
RDD payment API and e-commerce plugins are launching – Partnering with ForgingBlock 

ForgingBlock Cryptocurrency Gateway Partnership 

We are happy to participate in a partnership with ForgingBlock Cryptocurrency Payment Gateway. ForgingBlock is focused on helping developers and business seamlessly integrate advanced cryptocurrency payment solutions

Here is the main feature of RDD payment API and e-commerce plugins: 

Signup today! And get your stores and applications to integrate RDD payment!  Please fill in the SignUp  sheet and ForgingBlock team will contact with you for technical support. 

ForgingBlock is providing the Reddcoin community and their merchants API, E-commerce plugins, Widget, Merchants Dashboard and Wallets to allow the business and blockchain applications to accept payments in RDD. 

ForgingBlock Cryptocurrency Payment API  

is a robust payment gateway with a fast response with comprehensive development documentations.  The API allow developers from the RDD community to directly integrate RDD to their applications which involve payment transactions. 

ForgingBlock e-commerce plugins 

For the most popular shopping carts to make integrations fast and easy, even for non-technical users. Currently they are supporting 5 popular plugins including WooCommerce, PrestaShop, OpenCart, Zen Cart, and Magento 2. 

ForgingBlock Reddcoin Promotion 

Currently ForgingBlock is providing the Reddcoin community the following member promotion:  A free POS device to every merchant* who integrates the ForgingBlock RDD payment gateway and their credit card payment services.  

Point of Sale (POS) system will be delivered to US merchants within 3 days after a credit card payment application is finished. For other countries, the devices will be delivered within 3 months of application.


Please CLICK HERE to complete the SignUp sheet and the ForgingBlock team will contact will shortly. 



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