Re-engineering #BTC and #RDD Core Code – Staking acceptance milestone!

Watching the black and white text scroll of a dev console and software environment can be a rollercoaster. More failures than successes, but learning and improving throughout. Still, both emotional and physically draining in the process. Fun? You betcha. When things work as expected and we get to make these sorts of announcements. Less fun, […]

ReddCoin Core 3.10.4 & Redd’s blog goes live again!

Downloadable from our trusted site, the newest incremental version of the ReddCoin (RDD) Core wallet is available for use now. If you’re staking, the newest release version is always the best to be using, and with this release, we are at v3.10.4. Instaling ReddCoin Core wallet on top of existing installs is always safe […]

RDD partners with ForgingBlock

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] RDD payment API and e-commerce plugins are launching – Partnering with ForgingBlock  ForgingBlock Cryptocurrency Gateway Partnership  We are happy to participate in a partnership with ForgingBlock Cryptocurrency Payment Gateway. ForgingBlock is focused on helping developers and business seamlessly integrate advanced cryptocurrency payment solutions Here is the main feature of RDD payment API and e-commerce […]